You can make a request for your personal data by using the Subject Access Request form. If you require access to CCTV footage, please complete the CCTV Subject Access Request form. To access forms, click here.
Please read these notes before completing the forms. You can view our Privacy notice which sets out what we use your data for and the lawful basis for doing so.
Completing the form
Please fill in all sections of the form giving as much detail as possible of the personal data you would like access to. This helps us to be able to locate your data and respond to your request more efficiently.
Proof of ID
To ensure we are providing personal data to the right person, please send the following:
- copies of two documents (one should have a photo of yourself). We need these to verify your name, current address, date of birth and signature. For example, a Birth Certificate, Driving Licence, Passport, Medical Card, or Benefits letters. Please note – it is a criminal offence to impersonate another individual. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.
Only good quality photocopies will be accepted. Original documents can be brought into one of our offices and we can make photocopies for you.
The Data Protection legislation provides individuals with the right to have access to their own personal data. If you are requesting access to someone else’s information you must provide proof that you are entitled to the information by using one or more of the following methods:
- A signed letter of authority from the individual concerned and, if acting for a child:
- proof of parental responsibility or guardianship, or
- power of attorney
Receiving your information
Specify whether you want us to send copies of the data via registered post or via secure email. If you want us to send personal data directly to a representative instead, you must give their full name and address in the box in section 2 of the form. Personal data will not be provided if an exemption (a legal reason for withholding it) applies.
Time limits
The legal time limit of one month applies to all SARs. The time limit does not start until we have received your request and the proof of identification required.
Internal review
If you should be dissatisfied with our response to your subject access request, you can ask for it to be independently reviewed by the Group Data Protection Officer. You can send your complaint to or write to Group Data Protection Officer, Peabody Trust, 45 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JB.
If you should still remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you do have the right to refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Further information
Contact the Information Commissioner’s Office:
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Helpline: 01625 545 745
Where to send your request
By Email
Your online request will automatically be sent to our email address. To submit a form click here.
By post
SAR Data Officer
Customer Services Hub
Pembroke House
Northlands Pavement
Pitsea, Essex
SS13 3DU
Local office
You can visit your our office to make your request in person. Please take copies of the documents of your identification. One of our staff will help you to complete the form. All related correspondence will be held for a minimum retention period of two years.