Ending your tenancy

We hope you enjoy living in your home for many years to come. But we also know that when your circumstances change, you may need to move.

There are lots of reasons why you may need to move and we may be able to help. For example, you may need to move urgently if you’re suffering domestic violence or you have an illness or a disability that makes it impossible for you to live in your present home. Tell us as soon as possible and we can help you find a solution.

If you’d like to move into sheltered accommodation, we can advise and help you find a suitable scheme in the area.

If you want to move because of nuisance or harassment, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can take action on your behalf to stop it. Moving in these circumstances is extremely rare, but if we agree there’s no alternative, we’ll do everything we can to help.


What you need to do before moving out

  • Write to us – give us at least four weeks’ notice before your leaving date. You’ll have to pay rent up to this date. (If you leave without telling us, you’ll still have to pay rent for that period).
  • Home inspection ­– let us in to inspect your home if necessary. If your house or flat is in poor condition due to neglect or damage, we may charge you to put it right. If you’ve made any improvements, you’ll need to leave these or replace the original fittings or layout. We may also ask you to let us show a new tenant round, so we can re-let the property as soon as possible.
  • Contact your utility and phone providers – tell them the date you’re leaving. You may need to take final gas, electricity and water meter readings. If you’re claiming any benefits, you’ll also need to give the Council Tax and Housing Benefits offices and the Benefits Agency your new address.
  • Redirect your mail – the Post Office will be able to help you with this.
  • Pack up all your belongings and dispose of any rubbish – this includes carpets and any flooring you have laid. Please leave your home as clean as possible for the next tenant. We may charge you if we have to remove furniture, carpets and possessions you’ve left behind. Anything you leave behind will be thrown away, so make sure you take everything with you.
  • Return the keys for your property – either on the day your tenancy ends or before midday on Monday if it ends on a weekend. Please hand your keys to one of our staff or put the keys in an envelope clearly marked with your name and address and post them through our letter box.



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